Thursday 16 September 2021

My learning blog

 👹👹  'Sup awesome bloggers👹👹

Guess what I've been learning about -flight  and in my math flight workbook I have to figure out 24 hour time.  In my flight reading workbooks I have to figure out flight questions but first I have to read a text first to figure out the questions.

At home I had different times and days that I would do my work.My favorite work book was the  reading flying car workbook.  My favorite part in flying car work book was the matching  labels thing.

My favorite thing coming back to school is seeing my friends.  My second favorite thing about coming back to school is doing cyber smart. My third favorite thing is seeing my teachers off a screen again. 

By bloggers.

Friday 10 September 2021

My symbols

😈😈😈Welcome back bloggers😈😈😈

Today I'm going to tell you about my symbols that I've made. They're pretty tricky and the last one is the hardest so I'll give you a clue... The clue is that the top one is joking. After you figure it out you could try and make one yourself but don't make them to easy because you don't want them to figure it out to quickly.